It is said in a lifetime, the average human being meets 80,000 people. This statistic begs a pertinent follow-up question: How many of them do we care to remember?
When we encounter another living person, the universe presents us with a choice. That choice could come in the form of a step taken over a beggar, a friendly smile ignored from a shopkeeper or vendor, or perhaps speaking a foreign language to a town local who simply wishes to enjoy his day on the beach.
The decision to interact with someone unfamiliar will impact the universe in more ways than the mind could possibly fathom. If we move ourselves to embrace possibility, we share that gift with the person on the other side of the fence.
Remind yourself, the next time you notice someone whom you have not yet met or seen, to lend a hand, a coin or an ear.
Remind yourself to say, “Nice to meet you.”